The Rural Community Water District of Georgetown County is a special purpose district created and authorized under the SC Code of Laws. The District is a small water system in Georgetown County, SC that serves approximately 2,100 customers. The water system was formed in 1965 and has a five member Board of Directors. The District employs six full time employees and one part time employee. The Service Area is established as the area west of the City Limits of Georgetown for a distance of one (1) mile on either side of Highway 521/17A as far west as Ports Creek and north of the City Limits of Georgetown for a distance of one (1) mile on either side of Highway 701 as far north as Black River. The District owns, operates, and maintains a water distribution system comprised of three groundwater wells and two elevated tanks. At Rural Community Water District of Georgetown County, our goal is to provide safe, clean, sparkling water to all of our residents!